Hey there, Allan Vila here at your service! 👋🏼

Software Engineer

Allan Vila Photo

About Me:

I am a dedicated software engineer with over 10 years of experience in business sales, seamlessly transitioning into development during the Covid-19 pandemic. My journey into software development was fueled by a desire for change and a newfound passion for coding.

Balancing a demanding 50–60 hour workweek with family responsibilities, I dedicated late-night hours to mastering coding, eventually becoming a full-time developer in just seven months. My transition showcases my adaptability and commitment to personal growth.

Outside of work, I am an adventure enthusiast who enjoys movies and cherishes quality time with my wife Kim and our two children, constantly seeking new experiences to create lasting memories.

guy sitting in mountain

My Experience:

avb marketing logo

2022 - Present

What we do:

AVB Marketing specializes in comprehensive marketing services, offering strategic planning, digital marketing, advertising campaigns, and branding solutions to empower businesses in reaching their target audience and achieving their marketing objectives.

What I do:

As a top-performing Software Engineer at AVB, I contribute significantly to the development of a new user interface for our established software system. By leveraging React and NextJS, I have helped create a fast, responsive, and efficient application that enhances user experience and future-proofs our platform.

Collaborating closely with front-end and .net teams, I ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs, develop reusable code and libraries, and integrate with RESTful Web Services. I have significantly contributed by implementing major features such as Amazon and Apple Pay integration, resulting in an increase in transaction efficiency. My expertise in TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, and modern development practices has streamlined our development process, reducing release times through automation. Additionally, I mentor and coach my team, fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment.

nsi logo

2021 - 2022

What we do:

Naval Systems Inc. supports the Department of Defense by working on secret-level clearance projects that contribute to national security. Our projects involve collaboration with NavAir, the US Air Force, the Missile Defense Agency, DASA DE&C, and other key defense sectors.

What I do:

As the Front-End Engineer and design expert at Naval Systems Inc., I developed, maintained, and enhanced dashboards for tracking and updating critical defensive operations data for NavAir and the US Air Force. Utilizing NextJS and Figma, I designed user-friendly interfaces that improved data visualization efficiency by 50%.

I also led client rebranding efforts, collaborating with stakeholders to understand their mission and vision, and developed products that increased client conversion rates. My work involved creating sophisticated UI/UX designs and translating them into high-quality code, ensuring robust and efficient web applications.

The Essentials

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The Styling

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The Front-End Frameworks

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The Backend

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The Testing

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The Utilities

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Some early learning projects:

NSI Modernization
NSI Modernization
VilaMortgage App
VilaMortgage App
Vila Travel Companion
Vila Travel Companion
Vila Commerce
Vila Commerce
Vila Real Estate App
Vila Real Estate App
NSi Landing Page
NSi Landing Page
100% Javascript Splash Page
100% Javascript Splash Page